Updates on the invasion of Ukraine and the Massacre of Bucha
Ever since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia back in February 2022 there has been a lot of new information released and updates on what is happening on the front lines, but potentially one of the most horrific events revealed was on April 1 where evidence of the Bucha Massacre was revealed after Russian forces left Bucha, Ukraine.
Warning, the following content contains disturbing imagery and contains sensitive content.
One of the heart wrenching outcomes of all of this conflict is the Bucha Massacre. Russia occupied the town of Bucha for over 4 weeks where potential war crimes occured. “They made all the men go outside and check their papers,” said Mikola, a witness of the crimes, when he was interviewed by ABC News. “And if they found anything they didn’t like they would shoot them immediately and not ask any questions.” He also said that the Russian soldiers shot everyone who was under the age of 50, and that he witnessed his friends die in front of him.
He also said that the Russian soldiers shot everyone who was under the age of 50, and that he witnessed his friends die in front of him.
When people were able to enter Bucha after Russia left, there were nearly 300 dead civilians with many found with their hands tied by white cloth with bullets in their heads. Some were found at what can presumed to be mass graves.
President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the United Nations Security Council on April 5 about the findings of Bucha after it was liberated. “The Russian military searched for and purposefully killed anyone who served our country…I am addressing you on behalf of the people who honor the memory of the deceased every single day and for the civilians who were shot and killed in the back of their head after being tortured.”
President Zelensky also listed other vile acts committed against the civilians of Bucha including mass shootings, crushing civilians with tanks, cutting off their limbs, rape, and many more.
Russia’s Defense Ministry denied the ‘accusations’ of allegedly killing civilians, instead claiming that the bodies were placed on the streets after Russian forces withdrew. Click here to read the whole telegram. In Russian media, images of state television showing videos of civilian killing with ‘FAKE’ covering the footage. State Anchor even claim that they are crisis actors since they claim to see a moving arm.
But, the New York Times refuted this claim with satellite images that showed Ukrainian civilians being killed more than 3 weeks before the Russians withdrew. They also have evidence of a Russian armored vehicle opening fire on a cyclist which was recorded by aerial footage by the Ukrainian military.
CBS News correspondent Debora Pratt and her team themselves went to Bucha especially after the claims of the Russian government that the massacre was a hoax. They saw the shocking scene first hand.
“These stories cannot be staged,” said Pratt. “And the overwhelming grief I have witnessed cannot be manufactured.” Pratt and her team spoke with Yuri, a resident of Busha, that the soldiers would set up camp outside of her apartment block with beer bottles, empty boxes, and overturned cars still left behind.
“I am begging you, do something,” said Yuri. “Make peace so no one ever grieves again…everyone just wants to live.”
Peace talks between Ukraine and Russia are close to impossible now, and President Vladimir Putin has said, “If someone decides to intervene in current events [in Ukraine] from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for Russia, then [they] must know that our response, our retaliatory strikes, will be lightning-fast, quick. We have all the tools for this – such that no one else can boast of right now. And we won’t brag – we’ll use them if needed! And everyone should know about it! All decisions in this regard have already been made.”
Most recently President Joe Biden asked Congress for more than $33 billion dollars in order to support Ukraine, where $8 billion would go towards helping the economy. “We either back the Ukrainian people as they defend their country,” said Biden to Congress. “Or we stand by as the Russians continue their atrocities and aggression in Ukraine every day,”
For live updates on Ukraine, click here. If you would like to support Ukrainians through this conflict, charities UNICEF and Sunshine Verein Kiev Kids.

Nicole Nantz is a writer and editor of the North Star News journalism team. The reason why Nicole started doing the class is so she can experiment with...