Dianna Yu, Science Director

What’s your name and position? Dianna Yu, science director as well as anatomy and physiology teacher.

What colleges/universities have you attended?  University of Illinois in Chicago and Northeastern Illinois University.

Have you worked at any other schools? If so, which ones? Yes, Lane Tech College Prep High School and DuSable Charter School.

What’s one of your best Niles North memories? When I pulled my back and my students helped me around school with a wheelchair. It reminded me how amazing our students are. They bring a smile to my face every day.

When did you start working at Niles North? I started working here in 2018. 

Who inspires you the most? And why? I would say my mom because she was always positive and cared for others deeply. She taught me that helping others and being able to give is the biggest gift.

What’s your favorite food? Kalbi plus mool leng myun (Korean cold noodle dish).

Have you always wanted to be a science teacher? I decided to become a teacher after working with students in summer camps. I love that students are curious, open, and adventurous. 

What’s your best advice for students? My advice is to be confident with who you are, take risks, and help others.

What are some of your hobbies? I’m a big foodie, so I love to eat at new places. I love to go on long walks. I also love sitting in cafes and talking with friends.