Niles North’s Student Government members recently elected new (senior) officials into office.
Last year, the student population voted for student representatives from each grade. Voters cast ballots for candidates they felt could make differences in this school to everyone’s benefit, and to make sure that the student voice was being heard, and not overlooked, by the District 219 administration.
Student Government’s 18 members made their first significant decision of the 2012-2013 school year in electing these officials under the supervision of applied science and technology teacher Deborah Meyer and BC calculus teacher Ankur Joshi, who have served as Student Government sponsors in recent years.
Alexandra Vidican is the new Student Government president. Sebastijan Torgus is the new vice president. Yuliya Yukhvidin is the Board of Education representative. Kayleen Enriquez is the public relations officer. Alexa Jasenof is the secretary.
Students having concerns they wish to address before the Student Government assembly are invited to stop by the Student Activities office on Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:20 a.m. when meetings are held.
Be on the lookout for a video announcement introducing this year’s Student Government.