Call of Duty: Warzone is worth the hype

Call of Duty: Warzone, also known as CoD, is great for those who want a free-to-play military video game with friends. Warzone is a popular first-person shooter spinoff of the well-known CoD: Modern Warfare (2019).

Let’s talk about the positives of its release, in my opinion, it was a better CoD franchise game than Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 because it allowed for you to gain a second chance to continue playing. It also allowed you to have a loadout, never forcing you just to find weapons and supplies from the ground.

I felt that the developers did an excellent job making Warzone stand out from their competitors in the genre by also allowing you to complete bounties you collect from the ground while playing. You can also find “buy stations” all across the map to purchase items and equipment that allow you to advance towards a Warzone win.

COD: Warzone still has some bugs and issues the developers need to fix since it’s still a beta. Its issues were that vehicles got stuck onto rocks, gun bullet delays and occasional crashes.

My review and opinion is based on how Call of Duty: Warzone is currently. I just wanted to say that this is subjected to change from updates and other implementations from Activision and Infinity Ward. Warzone is available on consoles such as Xbox One, PS4, and PC.