Quiroz competes in an international WKF competition

Photo courtesy from WKF
A fellow student of Niles North is going to Portugal from September 15-29 to compete in the World Karate Federation competition. Senior Sean Quiroz has been training since he was 8 years old, and has opened up about his inspirations, training, and his everyday life.
¨I’m trying for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo,” Quiroz said. “I have Olympic qualifications in May in Paris. Then, we’ll see from there.¨
He really wants to get into the 2020 Olympics because the next Olympics in Paris will not have karate as a sport since they chose breakdancing instead for the 2024 Olympics. He plans on participating in the January Team Trials for Karate at the Olympic Training in Paris, France.
This is not the first time Quiroz has participated in the WKF competition, he competed in 2014-2015 and got 5th place. Not only at the WKF, but Quiroz has participated in many tournaments around the USA and internationally. When he is not competing, Quiroz is training and getting school work done.
Nearly every athlete in every sport has something that motivates and influences them to continue their sport. Quiroz mentioned his many inspirations to do karate.
¨My grandpa did karate when he was younger, so of course my grandpa,̈ Quiroz said. ¨But, also my friends.̈ When Quiroz was young, his friend’s sister would babysit him, and bring his friend too. Quiroz’s friend did karate in front of him, and Quiroz got inspired to start learning karate.
Quiroz also talks about the WKF, the organization hosting the competition. Quiroz explained that the competition has changed over the years. That the competition now is more televised, and that they change the rules a lot. But, at the end of the day, Quiroz was very thankful for the WKF for the opportunities they give him.
When asked about his motivation, Quiroz responded with, ¨My mom has always been there, she always sacrificed so much for me. So now it is time for me to return the favor.̈ Quiroz even plans on continuing competing in karate as an adult.
Even though Quiroz is competing in karate internationally, he is still a student who has to go to school. He described how he manages his schedule, ¨I don’t get a lot of sleep. I do lots of trainings. I do homework right away. I usually do my homework in studyhalls and lunch.¨ He admits that time management was one of his weaknesses, and that he doesn’t get a lot of sleep due to his schedule. Quiroz’s way of dealing with stress is to workout and training. He explained that even though he loved competing, Quiroz sometimes wished he could have more time to himself or hang out with friends.
Quiroz is ready and excited for the competition in Portugal, and is ready for the opportunities for his future. If you want to see the results of the competition, go to WKF.net.

Nicole Nantz is a writer and editor of the North Star News journalism team. The reason why Nicole started doing the class is so she can experiment with...