Celebration of Eid begins

To conclude Ramadan, Muslim students at Niles North are celebrating Eid ul Fitr this upcoming week. 

Eid ul Fitr is the Islamic holiday that takes place at the end of the holy month of Ramadan.  During this month, Muslims throughout the world fast for around 30 days. 

 The date for Eid is not a fixed date like Christmas. Traditionally the date is based on the appearance and the subsequent sighting of the Lunar crescent. 

Muslims celebrate the holiday by going to their local mosque for a special Eid prayer and often dress up in fancy and clean clothes on the day of Eid.

After the morning Eid prayer, most Muslims spend time with their friends and family, and exchange food and gifts. In 2022, Eid has not been finalized yet.

Since it is not known which day the crescent moon will be spotted, the date for Eid cannot be determined until later. Many predict that Eid will be on either May 1st, May 2nd, or May 3rd of this year.

“My favorite memory from Eid was when my family came from Canada, Pakistan, the UK, and Dubai,”  junior Safa Waqas said. “They stayed over at my house for a week and they specifically came for Eid, the house was filled and there was no place to sleep, [and] some people had to sleep in the storage room.”

Another student was interviewed about her experience on Eid during quarantine due to COVID-19.

“The problem is our Eid was the same as it was every year,” junior Zuha Ansari said. “But we couldn’t get brunch like we usually do.”