After being shut down for over five months due to an embankment repair, the CTA Yellow Line is reopening to the public on Oct. 29, 2015.
The CTA Yellow Line was closed for longer than expected because the city of Skokie had to rebuild an embankment that was adjacent to the railroad tracks. The cause of the embankment failure is still unknown, but it had to be fixed right away so the Yellow Line could remain safe from any potential accident.
“The CTA shouldn’t have closed the Yellow Line down for so long. It ruins the flow of the system and the passengers probably aren’t too happy,” Serena Meyers said.
Over the past few weeks, CTA maintenance and crews prepared for reopening of the Yellow Line again by refurbishing the rusty rails and inspecting the tracks. Some workers walked the entire route and visually checked the tracks, signals, and gates to insure everything will be 100% functional.
“I think it’s great that the Yellow Line is running again. It’ll be beneficial for those who rely on the train service to get places on a daily basis. It’s a great service for the people.” Justin de la Cruz said.
The CTA lost almost half a year worth of business, but that doesn’t stop them from pausing charges for the first week of reopening. The CTA Yellow Line will be allowing free rides to everyone boarding on the Oakton and Dempster stations in Skokie to create advertisement of the reopening. Along with the free rides through Nov. 6, 2015, there will be free parking through the end of the year at the Dempster park-and-ride lot.
“It’s smart of the CTA to show the reopening of the Skokie Swift by giving people free rides. It creates more business for them in the upcoming weeks,” Sam Manaloto said.
The CTA Yellow Line is also referred to as the Skokie Swift, due to the old name never wearing off. CTA changed all the train routes by color to make it easier for the riders. The Skokie Swift was built thanks to federal funding and it’s purpose is to travel non-stop between Howard and Dempster for the ease of the passengers.
The windy city is in your backyard, so go on an adventure with friends and family soon. Don’t forget, free Yellow Line rides for everyone through Nov. 6, 2015.
Oforid777 • Apr 14, 2019 at 5:12 pm
I never knew the yellow line was 25kv overhead and I come from the UK