“The Daily Show”, although satirical news, has quickly taken the world by storm. Under Jon Stewart, the show has surpassed most of the entire Fox News network in total viewers. However, as of Sept. 28, the New York based television show has had a new host, Trevor Noah, since Stewart retired from “The Daily Show” at the beginning of August.
Noah, born in South Africa, was a comedian, television and radio host, and actor before joining “The Daily Show”. Noah’s comedic background is reputable; he had performed comedy shows all throughout South Africa up until 2011 when Noah moved to the United States. At that point, he continued comedy and eventually joined “The Daily Show” as a correspondent to Stewart.
Stewart’s departure from the show came as a shock to many, however the real speculation was directed towards who would replace him in a month’s time when the show began again.
“The network made a call to Amy Poehler.” Also, “Chris Rock considered signing on,” The New York Times said.
Both of those people are comedians who were much more well known than Noah at the time of the search for a new host. However, Comedy Central, and specifically Stewart, decided to go with Noah. Evidently, Stewart had the final say as to who would take his role when he left.
The show has already been running for a little over a week now with Noah as the host. Although Stewart is gone, the ratings are still extremely high. In South Africa, Noah’s home, 10% of all people watching television were tuning in to the “The Daily Show’s” premier. “The Daily Show”, although under a different host, continues to be a powerful force in the news industry.
“No-one can replace Jon Stewart. But together with the amazing team at The Daily Show, we will continue to make this the best news show!” Noah said soon after his announcement as the new host.
“The Daily Show” is on Comedy Central Monday through Thursday at 10 p.m.