Keep an eye out for Selener and Bieber drama

Photo credits: Glamour Magazine

Hailey & Selena picture

It has become increasingly common for fans to try and pit celebrities against each other, often leading to social media wars and unnecessary drama. From Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, to Cardi B and Nicki Minaj and most recently, Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber, fans have taken it upon themselves to create feuds between their favorite stars. However, this behavior is toxic and harmful, and fans should stop trying to make celebrities fight each other.

Gomez, the “Wizards of Waverly Place” star has unfortunately been caught up in the media for her feud with Hailey Bieber. The feud began this January, when a questionable Tik Tok of Hailey’s went viral. Fans of Selena speculated Hailey was hinting towards Selena’s weight gain, which was a result of the medication Selena takes for Lupus, an autoimmune disease. People were quick to pick sides, albeit most sided with Selena, so fans demanded Hailey to respond. Hailey said it was just a harmless and fun video not directed toward anyone. Selena later responded to a fan’s reaction and said “It’s OK!” and “Be nice.” 

These two responses alone show how these two are content with where they are in the terms of their relationship overall because Selena doesn’t care whether or not Hailey directed towards her or not and additionally the fans took it more seriously than Selena herself.

This behavior perpetuates a culture of negativity and competition, rather than collaboration and support. The music and entertainment industry is already incredibly competitive, and promoting rivalries between celebrities only intensifies this competitiveness. This can create a toxic environment that discourages artists from collaborating with each other, and ultimately hurts the industry as a whole.

It’s important to understand that celebrities are human beings with emotions and feelings. Pitting them against each other can create unnecessary stress and anxiety, as well as put a strain on their personal relationships. These stars often have to deal with enough pressure and scrutiny from the media, and it’s not fair to add to that by forcing them into conflicts with their peers.

It’s also important to recognize the impact that these feuds can have on their young and impressionable fans. Children and teenagers often look up to these celebrities as role models, and seeing them engage in toxic behavior can send the wrong message. It’s essential to promote healthy relationships and positive behaviors, rather than encouraging negative and harmful behavior.

Furthermore, social media feuds can quickly escalate and become out of control, with fans attacking each other and creating unnecessary drama. This can cause harm not only to the celebrities involved but also to their fans and followers, who can become caught up in the conflict and feel pressured to take sides.

It’s time to put an end to this toxic behavior and focus on the art and talents of these stars, rather than creating conflicts that only serve to harm them and their fans.