Angela Mell, BNAT instructor and Medical Terminology teacher


Photo taken by Ornella Salifo

Angela Mell, Science Department

What’s your name, department, and position? Angela Mell. Science department, as the BNAT Instructor and Health Careers Teacher.

What college/university have you attended? University of Wisconsin in Lacrosse and UIC [University of Illinois at Chicago.

How long have you been teaching? 22 years.

What were your previous occupations? I was a Registered Nurse.

What made you want to become a science teacher? I always loved all the sciences, and I just loved that science is always changing, it’s not like math that stays the same. You discover new planets, get new diseases, and it’s just my favorite because it’s always changing.

What is the difference between teaching middle school and high school? I like the more independent learning of the students. Having the students take ownership of their own learning more. 

What are your hobbies? I am a runner, I love to go running. I also like watching reality T.V and gardening vegetables. 

If you travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Italy, because of the good food. I would love to eat the real Italian food. 

What is one thing you want your students to take away from your class? I want them to be confident in all the skills they have learned. 

What is one thing your students would be surprised to learn about you? I love celebrity gossip. I am obsessed with People Magazine. I don’t like to read novels, but I do love to read People Magazine.