Colleen Hoover’s release of a coloring book is highly inappropriate

Photo credited to CNN
Colleen Hoover, a popular author, has been in severe controversy for a long time now. More recently however the hate has been focused on her book “It Ends With Us” and the coloring book she made related to the story.
Although written in 2016, “It Ends with Us” has recently regained popularity and became a bestseller. The book focuses on the main character, Lily Bloom, and her struggle with being in a domestic violence relationship. Abuse and sexual assault are also mentioned many times throughout the story.
When it comes to the book itself, I’m not a huge fan of it. I don’t think the story is problematic; it’s just not one of my favorites. The book feels rushed to me and I didn’t really like how it ended. I wish that it ended with more scenes including the other love interest who was helping Lily heal. I think the book would be more interesting if we got to see more of that romance part. I understand why some people like it though; it is based on a very popular trope and the overall message behind the book had good intentions.
My main issue however, along with lots of other people, is with the coloring book. When I think of a coloring book, I envision happy things: Memories from childhood flood back with colorings of flowers, animals, rainbows, etc. It doesn’t make sense to me how a coloring book can be based on a story which focuses on the main character who is trying to heal and escape from an abusive relationship. It also seems insensitive to people who have been in or trying to escape a domestic relationship.
Additionally, the book is labeled as a romance novel, however I don’t think it should be. There was very little actual romance and focuses more on the abuse aspect. Labeling it as a romance novel, in my opinion, is misleading. I think if the book’s portrayal of abuse was made more clear to the reader through the title, then it would be more clear to the general public as to why a coloring book in addition would be highly inappropriate.
It could be argued that because Lily owns a flower shop and that shop is an important part of her life, that a coloring book could make sense. However, when I finished reading the book the most memorable parts were the parts that showcase the abuse; it’s what the whole story was about. The flower shop was just her career and not the most important part.
After hearing these complaints, according to CNN, Colleen Hoover did decide to recall the coloring book release. “The coloring book was developed with Lily’s strength in mind, but I can absolutely see how this was tone-deaf. I hear you guys and I agree with you. No excuses. No finger pointing. I have contacted the publisher to let them know I would prefer we don’t move forward with it”, Colleen Hoover said. Although most people were very happy about it, the damage had already been done. Even though she tried to make it better, the fact that it was even an idea in the first place still confuses me and other readers.

Lily is a sophomore at Niles North. She is in debate, Mock law trial, and has been in journalism since the beginning of freshman year.