Spring into Earth Week with Climate Change Club

Every year, the planet we live on, Planet Earth, has its own day on April 22 also known as Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated to protect the Earth from things like deforestation, climate change, and pollution.

Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin proposed the idea of Earth Day as a way to raise awareness about environmental threats. When it was first created on April 22, 1970, people went on rallies, cleaned the streets, etc. By the end of 1970, the U.S government created the Environmental Protection Agency. Today, it is celebrated by 1 billion people around the world. 

This year, Niles North’s Climate Change club is doing an Earth Week from 4/18-4/22.

During the week they do different things every day that are related to the Earth, such as making pins & terrariums, selling those pins/terrariums, and dressing up in Earth colors for Earth day. 

Image credit: Nicole Nantz

When asked about the importance of celebrating Earth Day, junior Zoe Lau shared her feelings to NSN.

“It’s important because we need to spread awareness,” Lau said. “Our Earth’s environment isn’t as good as it used to be, we should be promoting things that help people understand what to do to help the Earth.”

Junior Jacob Declaro also shares his feelings on the importance of Earth Day. 

“I feel like Earth day is important because there are a lot of things that go unnoticed that people don’t really care about,” Declaro says. “For example, nearby the school, they’re building a Carvana building which can corrupt a lot of bird migration.”

To help the Earth, use Ecosia.com as a search bar, and for every search you put in, trees get planted. Happy Earth Day 2022!