Olivia Jade Poll Results


Social media influencer Olivia Jade has recently been under fire for trying to rekindle her YouTube channel after deserting it for months amidst her scandal with USC. Jade was found guilty of fraudulent test scores and a fake rowing scholarship with Photoshopped rowing team photos to go along. After her video went up, many people were upset that she didn’t apologize for what she did. On the flip side, many people think that she doesn’t have to apologize and feel that it’s her mom’s fault.

That being said, should Jade apologize to the public?

Here’s how readers responded:

Yes – Despite the fact that her mother was an American television icon, her in internet fame came from her being the perfect idea of the California girl: wealthy, bougie, and set up to have a great career. She built her brand off of the false claim that she was ideal teen, which included her attending the perfect college, in this case being USC. It may have been her parents who actually committed the crime, but she profited off of their actions and would have continued to do so if her parents (as a part of a larger scheme of wealthy American parents) were not found out.”

Olivia sitting back and watching her mother take all the blame is a disgrace.

— NSN reader

Yes – By Olivia Jade admitting what her mother did was wrong would show favorably on her character. She know her mother did it for her, so she should apologize to the public. She must be held accountable for what she knew her mother was doing. Olivia is old enough to know right from wrong. If she choose not to apologize it will show that she has not learned nothing from this embarrassing family scandal. Olivia sitting back and watching her mother take all the blame is a disgrace. There should be some hurt in her heart for her mother going to the unlawful extreme for her education and hurt in her heart for herself. No matter what she decide this will follow her the rest of her life.”

Yes –Olivia Jade needs to ‘adult’ and own her privilege in this situation. She reaped the benefits of her parent’s poor choices powered by money and privilege. She can also pay the cost”

Yes – While I do think that her mom is the most responsible in this situation, because she’s the parent. Olivia Jade is still a person that should take some sort of responsibility. She’s still young, but should be mature enough to understand her own responsibility. Her parents do not own her. You can do the right thing regardless of what your parents say.”

If you are outraged by what she did, simply stop watching her YouTube channel. Even if she did questionable things, I do not believe the public deserves an apology from her, and that is a very personal issue in her life.

— NSN reader

No – “If you are outraged by what she did, simply stop watching her YouTube channel. Even if she did questionable things, I do not believe the public deserves an apology from her, and that is a very personal issue in her life. Although I don’t believe in sharing “fraudulent” information on social media, I believe that she can do whatever she wants under the 1st amendment as long as it is under the implied limitations. Fraudulent test scores and a fake rowing scholarship; she can deal with the USC personally and I don’t believe it needs to be apologized for over social media either.”

No – No. It was her mother’s fault. In the video you can clearly tell she is sorry. She isn’t legally able to say anything.”