A Little Late with Lilly Singh breaks late night TV norms

Photo Courtesy of Lilly Singh

Photo Courtesy of Lilly Singh

Lilly Singh is the first woman of color to ever host a late night show on NBC, an impressive feat for someone who started off by recording videos on Youtube.  Singh who identifies as Indian brings a new diverse voice to late night. Singh joked in her opening monologue by saying, “The media has mentioned I’m a bisexual woman of color so much I feel like I need to change my name.”

    Senior Mayha Syed in regards to learning about Singh’s new talk show said, “Personally, it was really inspiring to see a brown woman being on TV for her own comedy show. I feel that it’s almost the consequence of many brown people being the butt of the joke in comedy and it’s especially nice to see that she’s a brown woman. There are few women in comedy, specifically women of color so it’s truly very inspiring to see her doing what she does.” 

The show has already been met with controversy after Singh made a discriminatory comment about turbans on her show. Singh issued an apology on Twitter  by saying “But in hindsight I recognize that was a disrespectful and problematic joke to make that has a lot of painful history behind it. And I’m very sorry.”

Senior Elezabeth Abraham stayed hopeful for future growth in representation by saying, “For the future, my hope is that even more Indians like myself become influencers and or make changes in the world that they care for and are passionate about.” Abraham said, “But in addition to this, giving a platform for all other races and minorities is the ultimate goal; to live in a society where each person is given the same opportunities and respect in order to grow and make a change according to their passions.”