What is your name and grade? My name is Milo Leitao, I’m a junior.
What movie has impacted you most in your life, and why? Either Interstellar or Everything Everywhere All at Once. The second one’s about time and different universes. It kind of changed how I think about how every decision I make impacts my life. And then for Interstellar, that one is about the fourth dimension. It makes me think about life differently, because life is about time and other things and more just about our time on Earth.
What is your biggest pet peeve in life? When someone doesn’t try hard enough, because it’s kind of an easy way to get out of things. And I feel like it applies to a lot of things; I see it a lot. It happens in sports; you know, not going to practice or not trying hard enough in a workout. Or, in school, not doing an easy assignment just because you say it’s too hard, things like that.
What is your favorite song? These are some deep questions… Okay, my favorite song, I’ll say, is “Sistanem” by JID.
What is the worst smell? Porta-potties, because after my runs in practice, the whole team uses them, and then it smells so bad the next day.
What is your biggest regret in life? Probably being too lazy or not taking the time to do specific little things. Like, it might be not calling my grandparents more or not talking to my old friends more. It’s the little things, because they add up, and then not doing all the little things becomes not doing one big thing.
What would you do if you could be invisible for a day? Oh, Lord! I’d probably go out in public and just have fun. Not in a weird way, but just do some funny stuff on people, because they won’t see it coming. Maybe steal somebody’s hat, or steal a watch, or something. Or I would rob a bank. Wait, are the things that I hold invisible, too? (Response: “Yeah.”) Then I would steal some money, because they wouldn’t be able to see it, and then I’m rich.
If you had to live as a fruit, which one would you choose to be? Probably a kiwi, because on the outside it’s fuzzy, but then on the inside it’s both really tasty and a little sour, and overall, it’s good.
Do you sing in the shower, and if yes, then what are your go-to songs? I don’t sing; I rap in the shower. Usually it’s whatever I last listened to, or sometimes I like to sing Drake. Probably the most recent song I sang in the shower is “Not You Too” by Drake.
What is a life-changing event that you’ve experienced? Meeting my friends, because my friends impact almost every aspect of my day-to-day life. So that definitely changes my life, being friends and having friends in general.
What is your proudest accomplishment in life? I’d have to say being committed to track and field. Like, what a lot of people do is they switch around with different sports and do different things, but I’ve really stayed committed and haven’t given up on track and field. Even after last year, when I literally couldn’t run at all during the whole year, I stayed in it, and I’m better now, so that’s got to be my proudest accomplishment.
What is your favorite video game? I think I’d have to say God of War 4. When I was playing that game, it took so long, but then when I finally got to the last little bit, it was worth it. It was so worth it. It is so perfect. Just watching that game work—it’s so beautiful.
Do you have any nicknames, and where do they come from? Well, first, obviously, Milo. That’s what everybody calls me, and it comes from Camilo, which is my grandpa’s name. But my grandpa goes by Cam, and so to distinguish me from him, they went with Milo. And my mom just likes it. Also, a lot of people pronounce my last name wrong, so some nicknames happen when people say my last name wrong, for fun.
If you had to eat a crayon, which color would you choose, and why? Maybe the color of a sunset, sort of red-orange. I feel like that would taste good.
What is a crazy fact about you that most people don’t know? I’m an open book, bro. Uhh… I’ll say that I can squat 400 lbs. And don’t forget that I can bench 350 lbs, too.
If you had one week to live, what would you do? I would call every single person I care about, and I would tell them my final words and things that I regret, or things that I want them to know—that’s on the first day. And then on the other days, I would fulfill myself. Like, I would just literally do whatever I want, because what are they going to do? I have no consequences because I’m going to die already. I’d probably steal some money and use it to buy a plane, and then fly that plane to the nicest place in the world. Probably Hawaii or somewhere I haven’t gone. So, maybe Antarctica or something, and I would just live there in paradise. I’ll find Santa, and I’ll just chill with him.
Is there something else that you want to tell readers that I didn’t mention? Stay gaming.