What is your name and grade? My name is Aaqib Sharif and I am a senior, 12th grade.
What activities do you participate in at Niles North? At Niles North, I’m a Point tutor, apart of NHS, Math Team, Table Top Games Club, and ASL Club after school.
What has Niles North done for you? Niles North, overall, has given me the right community that I needed. I grew up in [the] District 68/District 219 community my whole life. So it’s just given me an awesome space to grow up and have friends over the past 18 years of my life.
Who is someone that you look up to? Someone I look up to is George Lucas. George Lucas is an awesome dude, not only because he created Star Wars, which I love, by the way, but also because he pioneered so much of what makes Hollywood awesome. Without him, we wouldn’t have things like CGI today.

(Courtesy of Aaqib Shareef)
What is one academic accomplishment you are very proud of? I have grades that I’m really proud of. I am also graduating as a summa cum laude, which is really cool. I actually didn’t know this school did that, so it’s really fun to get a gold pin.
What are you most proud of as a leader of Table Top Games Club? I love Table Top Games Club because it has such a diverse community, and it makes an open space for literally anyone to come. We’re all quite [unique] but also it’s just a place for [any] people to have fun, which is nice.
What is your favorite tabletop game? I’m gonna have to go with Uno. Uno is so fun. I love stacking multiple plus fours onto someone. It’s just a fun game where you can chill, talk with your friends, and also be competitive at the same time.
What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time, I like to make art. I also like to consume a lot of media. I’m a big Marvel fan, Star Wars fan, and DC fan. I’m always watching movies or TV shows. I also love just Hollywood movies in general.
What are your plans after high school? After high school, I’m going to college. I currently plan on pursuing a path in education. I’m open to that being changed somewhere down the road, but I think I want to be a math teacher.
If you could be any comic book character, who would you be? I’d probably say Spider-Man. That [will] probably change [at] some point in my life, but Spider-Man is the character that I can most relate to as a high schooler right now, and I think his story and life overall are really cool.