What is your name and grade? My name is Faaria Hussain, and I’m a junior.
Where did you go to middle school? I went to a middle school in Pakistan called Foundation Public School. We learned 2 languages, English and Urdu, so I’m fluent in both, and it helped me a lot when I moved to Chicago. The school years were also different, so technically I completed half of high school in Pakistan.
How was the adjustment from Pakistan to the US as a high schooler? I had to move here because my mom got married. I was really nervous because obviously the two countries are very different when it comes to everyday life and schools, but people at Niles North were very welcoming, which made it easier. I also didn’t have a language barrier, which was helpful, and I have most of my family here, which made it easier to adjust, and I felt a lot more comfortable.
What activities are you involved in? At North, I’m in DECA, debate, badminton, and Student’s for Lurie Children’s. Outside of school, I enjoy essay competitions. I also love doing Pilates for fun.
Who is someone that inspires you? My mom inspires me because she works through a lot of her problems on her own without letting me know about them and always keeps a smile on her face.
What’s a secret talent you have? I can fold my tongue.
What is your biggest regret in life? Not giving my all at times when I know I could have done better.
What is one of your pet peeves? When people chew too loudly or when people chew with their mouths open.
What’s an unpopular opinion you have? Ripped jeans are ugly, and people go too far with them.
What is your favorite movie or show? I can’t choose between Gossip Girl, Friends, or TVD. I’ve rewatched all 3 of these shows several times.
If you could pick one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? French fries, for sure. They’re the ultimate comfort food.