What is your full name and grade? My name’s Laney Elizabeth Peterson, and I’m a senior.
What activities do you participate in at school? I’m on the soccer team, I’m the vice president of Climate Change [Club], the vice president of Animal Club, and I am in NHS and Spanish Honors Society. And I’m in choir.
How do you balance your sports and your activities with your academics? I think it’s super important, and I always make sure to take out time in my day to do my school work. So after practice, I will make sure to do my schoolwork right away and then have time to relax. I’m always keeping a schedule and planning out my work.
How did you get involved in the Climate Change Club? I’ve always been very interested in the environment, and I saw a lot of promotion for it [during] my freshman year, and I joined, and I’ve been in it ever since. And you all should join too!
What causes are you passionate about, and why? I’m very passionate about climate change, and I’m especially interested in marine climate change and how the oceans are affected, and stuff like coral bleaching that’s having a big impact on biodiversity.
What do you want to major in at college, and why? I want to major in marine science, because, like I said, I think it’s super important to conserve wildlife, and it’s a big part of all ecosystems. Like, if the ocean fails, then everything fails.
What is your favorite thing about yourself? I like my red hair.
What makes you excited to wake up every day? Probably seeing my dog in the morning,
What is a goal in life you have? To make a positive difference, either that or discover something. It doesn’t even just have to be in the ocean, but discover just like a little thing and name it after myself.
What is an important lesson you think everyone should learn? It’s very basic, but stick with your passions. If you find something that you really enjoy or something that you’re very passionate about, stick with it and follow through and make something of it, no matter what people say.