What is your full name and grade? My full name is Kristen Tang, and I’m a senior.
What activities do you participate in at school? I was a part of the volleyball team. I was captain. I’m also president of [the] National Honor Society. I’m a part of MSAN, which stands for Multicultural Student Achievement Network, and part of student council, Uprise, and I’m an impact mentor.
How do you balance your sports, your activities, and your academics? I feel like I have really good time management. Working around my schedule, prioritizing my extracurriculars, and making sure that there’s time for me to study and get my work done is how I manage my workload on top of my extracurriculars, while also being able to go out and hang out with my friends.
What is your after-school routine? Sometimes I have work, and then I come home at like 6 p.m. After that, I shower, I eat my dinner, and I take an hour or so to get my mind off of stuff and do my own thing, and then I get right to my homework. That’s typically one to three hours worth of homework, and then right after that, I brush my teeth and I go to sleep. I’m like a machine, you know what I mean? Like, I’m always working.
What is your go-to Starbucks order to fuel this routine? It depends. Okay, sometimes when I’m craving a coffee, I get an iced white chocolate mocha with sugar cookie cold foam. But I think a lot of Starbucks stores ran out of it, so I have to go with the vanilla cold foam. If I’m feeling more like a refresher, I’d get a Pink Drink, but recently, I’ve been drinking iced matcha latte with four pumps of brown sugar syrup, and it’s really sweet, but guys, it’s worth it.
What is your favorite subject in school, and why? My favorite subject is history. Even though I’m not taking a history class this year, I’ve taken an AP history course all three years. It’s amazing, because it’s really interesting to learn about history, and all of my teachers, in all three years, were super chill. In another life, I’d be a history teacher.
What are things in life that bring you happiness? Things that bring me happiness are number one, my family and my friends, because I always make it a goal to hang out with them as much as I can on the weekends, just to keep that friendship and relationships thriving, because without them, I think I’d be really sad. Another thing that brings me happiness is TikTok. Come on. When TikTok got banned, guys, I was at my lowest, but when TikTok came back, I was at my peak.
What are your secrets for organizing? My secret is a planner—just writing down every single event, activity, or task that you have to do. Write it down in your planner and make it aesthetic, because if it’s ugly, then you’re going to be turned off, and you won’t want to stay organized. But if it looks pretty, then you want to keep it pretty and make more things on your schedule and on your planner, so it looks like you’re a busy person.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully I have a really good job making six figures. I want to be the breadwinner. I want to win, period. Regardless of whatever sphere and environment I’m in, I want to be the breadwinner, and I also want to be happy.
What’s a beauty secret of yours? A beauty secret of mine is to just stay demure. I mean, it’s not a beauty product, but it’s just an attribute that you should have. Stay demure, and that will keep you beautiful.