What is your name and grade? My name is Alishba Lodhi and I am currently a sophomore.
What’s your favorite class you’re taking this year? My favorite class I’m taking this year is either my current English course and Ceramics course! Both are super engaging and hands-on. It’s been a great learning experience.
What activities are you involved in? I am currently involved in four extracurricular activities! Those being Dance Marathon, WHO Club, SASA, and North Nachle.
What is your favorite part of being on SASA and North Nachle? I love being able to represent the Desi community and culture to Niles North. I feel a sense of belonging and pride within the two groups.
Who is someone who inspires you, and why? Someone who inspires me is my Freshman English teacher, Mr. Jimenez. He truly is a great educator and allowed me to love the English field and literature overall.
What is your favorite movie or TV show? My favorite movie is hard to say. I really enjoy all action movies!
What is your dream job? My dream job would be somewhere within the English and Communications departments. I love working in creative spaces where people can share their experiences and ideas.
How’s it like living in a family with all sisters? It’s amazing! I love being surrounded with women who love and support me each day. I am forever grateful for them, and they truly are the most important people in my life.
What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? I’ve traveled to Saudi Arabia, and it was a beautiful place to see and visit.
What are your hobbies outside of school? Outside of school, I like reading, writing, and Desi-style dancing are the hobbies I enjoy the most.
What is a piece of advice you wish the world could hear? One piece of advice I would wish the world could hear is the famous saying, “You only live once.” Though it is a very popular phrase, many people take this advice lightly and stress themselves out. I truly think you should live life with no regrets and limits.