For some kids, the idea of going to college has been on their minds since they first learned what it was: A way to further their education and have a place where they can study whatever interests them.
Despite college being such an exciting moment and transition in their life, there is a looming stress of thousands of colleges with different majors to choose from. Students have to make the difficult decision of what school will best suit them for their future.
Senior Will Sterbenc explains that there are many things to take into consideration before choosing where to commit.
“Overall I’m pretty stressed out about it. It’s tough to choose because you have to weigh things like financial options, academic rigor, and the overall community.”
Along with the stress of so many different colleges to choose from, it’s no secret that a hierarchy exists as to which ones are considered better than others. Although some of the differences make sense, for example, Ivy Leagues are extremely sought after due to the extreme benefits that they offer. This still doesn’t make other colleges worse.
“Prestige, legacy, and acceptance rate play a big factor in judgment. People are going to see a college with a six percent acceptance rate and see one with a 50 percent acceptance rate, even if one college suits their personal needs better, they’re going to see the six percent one as better because of the selectivity,” Sterbenc said.
What some people fail to realize is that certain colleges have different strengths and weaknesses than others. Their engineering program may not be the best, but they could have one of the best political science programs. They may not be super well known, but they can still offer a strong education.
Because there are such strong labels on colleges, students face a lot of judgment when choosing where to go. This makes the already stressful decision even harder. A student who chooses to go to a lesser-known college will get looked at differently than a student who chooses to go to Harvard, even if they are taking the same major. The student who went to Harvard will automatically be deemed “smarter” due to the idea that Harvard is a school that is better than others and much harder to get into.
“Most people won’t outright say they think people who go to a less selective school are dumber, but there is still this hesitance or negative stigma when you say you’re going to a community college or less known college,” junior Ashley Weatherspoon said.
Where a student decides to attend college should never be judged. Different colleges offer different benefits that would allow a student to be most successful. For example, community colleges cost way less. This is a great option for students who need financial help or don’t want to take the risk of future debt. Other reasons a student would pick a certain college could be location, class size, or a specific program.
Remember when picking out your college that, even though judgment shouldn’t exist, this should not stop you from choosing a college that you feel will help you be the most successful in life. Although it’s a stressful decision at first, remember, only your opinion and happiness matter.