What is your name and grade? My name is Laila Jimenez and I’m a sophomore.
Where were you born and what is your zodiac sign? I was born in Chicago and I am a Taurus.
Who is your favorite music artist? My favorite music artist is Frank Ocean because his songs are really good and I love the meaning behind them.
What is your favorite food? My favorite food is anything seafood, everything seafood related is delicious.
What are you involved in at Niles North? Currently I am involved with the Auroris Dance Company which is a dance organization affiliated with Niles North, most of our dances are student choreographed; we do pep assemblies, we host workshops, and a bunch of other events throughout the year.
Why did you join Auroris and what made you stay? I joined Auroris because I knew I wanted to do something within the school but I didn’t want to do competitive dancing here; since I already dance competitively outside of school and Instead just for fun. Then I found out about Auroris from the older girls at my dance studio. I like the way it’s open to everyone and not just experienced dancers; the focused aspect of dancing for fun is one of my favorite things about Auroris.
How do you prepare for a dance competition? Before a dance competition, we normally have rehearsals the Wednesday before, so we just run our dances and fix any issues.
Who is someone you look up to and why? I look up to the other girls in my dance studio because they’re always working hard and doing their best which makes me want to work hard and do my best.
What is one of your favorite memories at Niles North? My favorite memory so far here would be performing at the homecoming assemblies because the lights are off and it’s just fun to dance with my friends.
What do you do outside of school? Outside of school I’m either at dance rehearsal or hanging out with my friends or family and eating out because I’m a foodie I guess.