The most recent film from Walt Disney Studios Animation, Wish, is a tribute to the 100 years of memories the company has made. This movie left some fans disappointed and others satisfied.
Wish is an animated musical about a 17-year-old girl named Asha, who finds her power in the magical kingdom of Rosas. She is smart and capable, unlike the typical Disney damsel who needs rescuing. She identifies as Afro-Latina, with a white father. The kingdom of Rosas is widely diverse in ethnicity, body type, and disability.
A special thing that makes this film stand out, is the consistent feature of “legacy nods” to classic Disney films. I think it was a very creative aspect added to the movie, really emphasizing the celebration of Disney’s growth throughout the years.
A lot of Disney fans say they find themselves disappointed due to the constant referencing of other animated classics. It feels more like a “lengthy advertisement” that lacks the original Disney magic we all know and love.
In the movie’s defense, the whole point of Wish was to tribute the many years of Disney. It reminds us of the timeless magic the studio has created. It’s always fun to look back and appreciate the legacy that Disney has built all these years.
I enjoyed the visuals of the movie. Interestingly enough, Disney made a creative choice to incorporate 2D animations along with 3D animations. This is Disney’s first project utilizing 2D animations since 2011 Winnie the Pooh. It was an offering of something fresh, something we hadn’t been accustomed to in a while.
I typically find myself not enjoying musicals. I stand by that statement with this movie. I didn’t find the songs to be quite as catchy compared to many other Disney hit songs. I wouldn’t put it in the running for Disney’s best effort.
Overall, I thought this was a good watch. This movie is intended for all ages to enjoy. You can enjoy it with your family or your friends. If you’re interested in watching this movie, it is currently available in theaters.