What’s your name and grade? My name is Armana Rizvi, and I’m in 11th grade.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in? I’m in Assyrian club. I’m also in MSA and I play basketball. I’m in basketball because I’ve been playing for a long time and I think it’s one of the main sports that I really like, and it’s also helped me get through hard times in my life. I’m in Assyrian club because I have a lot of Assyrian friends and they’re always pushing me to be in their club, and I also think it’s a really fun environment. I only go to MSA if I don’t have practice, and that’s because I’m Muslim and my friends are on the board and they always push me to come.
What are your plans after high school? My main track was to go into pre-med, to become a doctor, but now my mind is changing. I still do want to do medicine, but I also want to do business. I do want to go to school after high school.
What’s something you’ve wanted since you were a child? I think I’ve always wanted to have people around me, cause when I’m alone I don’t really do well in those situations. I always wanted a community to feel safe in, and as a child I did have that growing up, but now that I’m in high school it’s more dependent on the people I choose to hang out with, and I think I chose good people to hang out with.
How do you manage your time between school, social life, family, and yourself? I’m kind of bad at doing that. Basketball is a pretty long season, it’s almost four months long, and sometimes our practices go to 8:30, so sometimes I’m home at 6-7 o’clock, and sometimes I’m home at 9. My social life is pretty much gone after school. During school I try to get the most I can done in lunch because I have no free periods. It’s really hard because I’m tired and I have to do a lot of homework, but the weekends is where it’s at.
What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? Was it worth it? I stole a cookie from the lunch room. Yeah, and it was worth it cause it was so good. They’re too expensive. Two dollars for a cookie that’s not even that big. I’ve only done it once, and it was the riskiest thing I’ve ever done.
What song do you think properly portrays your life? ‘Club Can’t Handle Me,’ because I love that song. My mom says it matches my personality because the song is so uplifting.
What movie/show character do you most relate to? I think I most closely relate to Kevin from The Office because he’s funny and he’s also kind of stupid, but he’s also really nice and he loves his friends, but he’s also really stupid and I think that applies to many aspects of my life.