What is your name and grade level? Anna Copeland, senior.
What activities are you involved in at Niles North? I am involved in a lot of things, like Auroris, where I’m a captain. I’m also really involved in theater, impact mentoring, being a tutor at the Point, and YND.
What is your favorite thing about being a part of Auroris? I love how much our work put in during practices really shows on stage at our performances, and I also love being able to trust the process during practices that leads us to being able to make an awesome show.
If you could take one class again before graduation, what would it be and why? I would definitely take creative writing because I took it freshman year and part of it was online, and I think it would be really interesting to see the different types of writing I can make now as a senior compared to freshman me.
What is your favorite memory from participating in the theater program? It has to be the last show that I was just in, which was To Die For, because it was such a small cast, including me and two other people, and we really got to have an amazing coaching experience, and the show was super fun.
What is your dream job, and why? I want to work in either government or non-profit advocacy because I really want to help people improve their lives and have more opportunities.
What is your favorite play show you have ever seen? Either Moulin Rouge or Six, because they are both great and I really enjoyed getting to see them.
Who is someone who inspires you? Emma Watson, an actress you may recognize from playing Hermione in Harry Potter, is someone who really inspires me because she has continued to be an actress but is also involved in political advocacy.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why? I’ve always wanted to try living in Australia because there is so much cool wildlife there, and I think it would be really interesting to see how different it is to live there.
What is one of your weird talents? I can juggle, and I can actually do a lot of circus tricks because I’ve been doing circus for a really long time.
What is your least favorite food, and why? My least favorite food is olives, and I think it’s because neither of my parents like olives, so I never really had them growing up.
What is one thing you can never leave the house without? I think I could never leave the house without some snacks because I never know when I’m going to get hungry throughout the school day.
If you could give advice to a freshman, what would it be? As an impact mentor, I think about this a lot, but one piece of advice would probably be to ask for help when you need it because the biggest thing is that your peers want to help you, teachers want to help you, and upperclassmen want to help you, but they can’t give you the help you need unless you ask.