What is your name and grade level?
My name is Rosie Alfaro and I am a senior at Niles North.
What is your proudest accomplishment? My proudest accomplishment is coming to the USA when I was 10 and learning English in less than 2 years.
If money was no object, what would you do? If money was no object, I would travel the world and try foods from different countries.
What’s your favorite zoo animal, and why? My favorite zoo animal is a panda because they are very cute and calm.
What’s your favorite fast food chain, and why? My favorite fast food restaurant is Cane’s because their chicken and toast are really good and the sauce just adds an extra kick to it.
What is your favorite childhood memory? My favorite childhood memory is when my dad would sing a song called “Princesses” to my sister and I in Spanish. It would make me cry because it was so cute.
What piece of advice or motto do you live by? Where you come from doesn’t define where you’ll end up.
If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be? If I could relive any moment, it would be Christmas when I was 8 because that was the last Christmas that all of my siblings and I spent together. I remember not wanting to sleep that Christmas because I was having so much fun singing and dancing with my family.
What do you look for in a friendship? I look for people who are always supportive no matter what. Also, for people who remember the little things and are very loyal.
Do you think we’d be better off without social media? Why or why not? No, because social media can help you find jobs, meet new people, and just overall help you day to day.
What are 2 things that mean the most to you? My family and friends because they have been there for me and have supported me through everything and they are always proud of my accomplishments.
What is your favorite movie? Why? My favorite movie is The Notebook because it’s very cute, but also very sad and I cry every time I watch it.