The first meeting of the now monthly Niles North French Club took place on Sep. 11 featuring pizza planning for future French Club events. Many attended, members old and new, with many having great expectations for future meetings, expecting to return for future meetings.
The first meeting of French Club included a game of Kahoot, Gimkit, but most importantly, future plans and expectations for French Club activities. French language teacher Catherine Nimtz announced that meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of every month, with the next French Club meeting scheduled for October 2. As for activities, French Club is expecting to make custom jewelry, have a raclette (melted cheese) party, bring out a chocolate fondue, and even create a poster for Homecoming, with this year’s theme being “Starry Night.” French Club is also excited to have “The ‘Ratatouille’ Experience,” where French Club members will work together to create the full menu of the movie ‘Ratatouille,’ bring the dish to French Club, and eat said items as they appear on screen. Other than these activities, the general excitement of playing games, watching movies, and socializing is expected with future French Club meetings.

“Our goal for French Club is to experience and enjoy the culture of the French speaking world while having fun,” Nimtz said. “French club really is for everyone, anyone who is interested in other cultures or has a cultural background in any French speaking countries as well as students of French. But we create it for anyone, so you don’t need French in order to come to French Club. It’s very close to home and the types of activity that we do are mostly exploratory and based around trying new things. I think that French Club is unique because we do have a lot of students that aren’t in French [class] who like to come just because they’re interested in French speaking countries; it’s an opportunity that’s really low stress for students to really get to know each other.”
French Club used to be every week, and now only every month, some worry if this will drop the number of students willing to participate. However, due to the drop in required commitment, the opposite may be true.
“Personally, I’ve been doing French Club since Freshman year,” junior Sophia Solheim said. I enjoy how many people are here and I enjoy the games we play. I’m glad that they’re switching just to once a month because then I think more people will be able to go.”

This first French Club meeting has shown to be a positive experience to die-hard supporters and newcomers alike. Now that the club has moved to have monthly meetings, though students may not experience French Club as often, the schedule creates a more maintainable and predictable commitment, especially for scholastically active attendees and even French Club staff.
“This [meeting] is my first one,” senior Dylan Sopanarat said. “I liked the whole ambience of the French room, it looks nice and I just like the people; they’re pretty nice, pretty cool, [it] seems like a pretty fun club. In the future, I’m planning to attend these French Club meetings, and I’m planning to work on this banner to show at Homecoming, and support French Club and represent. I have really good expectations.”
Along with the already mentioned activities, more have been planned according to the French Club 2023 – 2024 schedule. These activities include crepe making and selling, April Fish Day/April Fool’s party, cake decorating for Christmas, and D219’s annual Dîner en Blanc party, a dinner party held in May meant to reflect the annual tradition in France of the same. The new schedule, the new events, and responses from students new and old all show great promise for the future of French Club. Although French Club activities/meetings will only be held 9 times this year, the 9 times seem to be nothing but the best that French Club can offer to its members.