Matthew Gabriel, Freshman
What is your name and grade? My name is Matthew Gabriel and I am a freshman.
What are your hobbies and interests? My hobbies and interests are playing Soccer and playing Chess. I play Chess because it’s fun and the environment is very welcoming. I play soccer because it’s really fun and most of my friends do it. I’ve also been playing since I was really young.
What inspires you to continue playing Soccer? To stay with my friends. My family is also a very big fan of soccer. It’s my favorite sport and it’s really fun.
What makes you want to play Chess? Traveling is by far my favorite. I meet a lot of new people and it’s really fun playing with the team. I win and I lose sometimes but the losses are by far the most important because those are the ones that make you better.
What’s your favorite family tradition? My favorite family tradition is Christmas Eve because my whole family gathers in the basement altogether. We’ve been doing this since I moved here like 10 years ago. We do Secret Santa.
What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? I like to grab drumsticks and start playing. It doesn’t really matter what I am playing, just that I’m having fun.
What is your goal in life? My goal in life is to become a teacher or psychologist. I want to be the best person that I can be and help other people out.
What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is talking to people when they need the most help. I try to be there when they need someone or when they need me.
What motivates you to work hard? It’s okay to suffer right now but it’s going to be easier towards the end. There is always going to be light at the end of the tunnel.
What do you want people to know about you? I want people to know that I have two older brothers.
What’s your experience in the band? I am a percussionist and I have been doing the band for 5 years. I find it to be very fun, especially the people I play with. Mr. Moehlmann, my teacher, is one of my favorites. He is always making jokes.

Emily is currently a junior at Niles North. This is her third year writing for NSN.