Mac Demarco Releases Longest Album Yet, ‘One Wayne G’

Cover of ‘One Wayne G’ courtesy of Spotify
On Apr. 21, Mac DeMarco released his longest album yet, titled One Wayne G, featuring 199 songs, totalling to about 9 and a half hours in listening time. This sudden drop came as a surprise for many fans, following his Jan. 20 release, Five Easy Hot Dogs, which was the album that broke DeMarco’s three year hiatus.
This long play consists mostly of instrumentals, all titled in a YYYYMMDD format, meaning that all tracks had to have been recorded from May 2018 through January 2023. Songs like ‘20191010 No Doubt About It’ and ‘2020820 Turn My TV On’ are two of the 18 songs that actually feature vocals.
The first song to feature vocals from DeMarco is the 36th track ‘20191009 I Like Her’, which title speaks for itself, with lyrics like ‘I’d give the world to her/As long as my heart’s still beating/As long as she’s next to me/As long as this
love’s still fleeting’. These lyrics suggest that he’ll do anything for the girl as long as he’s alive, but he wants to cherish and enjoy the time they have together because he doesn’t know how long they have together.
My favorite song from this album has to be the 109th track, ‘20210220 Stratocaster’, which is another love song led by a guitar, hence the name ‘Stratocaster’. In this song DeMarco talks about how his ‘heart belongs to yesterday’, and he’s asking to ‘Play me the one that we used to play’ meaning that he misses the time that he spent with someone he loves, and that he wishes to relive it through music.
Although this album is nearly two times as long as a regular school day, This album can easily be used as nice background music or even as a summer album. I enjoyed listening to it while I slept or did homework.

Annie Tumang is a junior at Niles North. This is her third year writing for NSN, and she is the reviews editor. She is interested in music and writing...