Angela Yoo, Freshman
What is your name and grade? My name is Angela Yoo and I am in 9th grade.
What is your favorite subject in school? Why is it your favorite? My favorite subject is Biology. I really like it because of my teacher, Mr. Thielsen.
What is your passion? I really like psychology, and I like working with children.
What inspires you to play tennis? I really like looking up to people who played before like Serena Williams. She’s very inspirational and that’s what keeps me motivated to continue playing tennis.
Are you involved in any clubs or extracurricular activities? I am involved in RIOT, which is an after-school club with Mr. Thielsen.
What is something everyone should know about you? I think everyone should know that I am a cat person. I have two cats.
How would your friends describe you? They would describe me as very social and very outgoing.
Where is your favorite travel destination? I’ve only gone to a couple of places, but I really like St. Louis. There was this really cool museum with climbing and physical activities.
What is your greatest accomplishment? When I was younger I had a violin solo and that was big.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself living in a mansion and being crazy rich.

Emily is currently a junior at Niles North. This is her third year writing for NSN.