Zaina Khan, freshman
What is your name and grade? I am Zaina Khan and I am in 9th grade.
What is your favorite subject in school? Why is it your favorite? I would probably have to say Biology, because it’s the career path I want to go down, and I like the people in my class.
What are your hobbies? I like to play basketball, and I used to play instruments but I dropped them. I also like to read, and listening to music is a big one.
What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? My mood depends a lot on my friend’s moods. If my friends are giving me positive energy, I will reciprocate that energy.
What are you passionate about? I would definitely say basketball. I would also say my grades too; they affect my mood as well.
What are your goals? My main goal is to be successful, make money and also be happy.
What is your favorite sport and why? Basketball, because it’s what I have been doing for most of my life, and it’s what makes me happy.
What inspires you to play basketball? It started off as my family, but then it grew into me staying active and having a love for the sport.
What inspires you to be involved in track? I wanted to do it to stay active, but now there’s preseason for basketball and that sort of took its place.
What do you want people to understand about you? I come off as quiet, but the more I get to know someone, the more outgoing I will become myself around them.
How would your friends describe you? My friends would describe me as smart and fun to be around.
What events do you like to participate in at Niles North? I’ve been looking to get into cultural events more specifically for South Asians, but I haven’t attended any yet. So I would say sports events.

Emily is currently a junior at Niles North. This is her third year writing for NSN.