Will Frey, Sophomore
Will Frey, sophomore
What is your name and grade? My name is Will Frey and I am a sophomore
What is your favorite theatrical performance you’ve been in? Why? That’s a hard question. I really liked doing the show I just did called She Kills Monsters, mainly because the cast was so great and I felt like we were all so connected. My role was also really fun.
What inspires you to play guitar and bass? I have been playing since kindergarten because my mom made me do guitar lessons when I was like five, but I guess I just kind of stuck with it. And now I really enjoy it.
What is something that makes your day better? That’s another hard one. I like seeing a lot of my friends throughout the day. Sitting with all of my theater friends at lunch and being able to talk about stuff we can all relate to. It makes me feel like I fit.
What is the greatest challenge you’ve ever faced? My own head. For example, before an audition, I overthink stuff and get into my own head. Anytime that happens, I always perform worse than if I were to just go in and do it. But that’s something that I have been trying to overcome and not do as often.
What is something you are proud of yourself for? My best years are yet to come but the fact that I am getting better at theater and playing my instruments makes me proud of myself for doing so.
Where do you see yourself after high school? I have no idea. I haven’t really thought much about it because I want to enjoy high school while it lasts. But I would say I do want to try and go into science but also keep my passions like theater and music.
What is one thing you wish you could do but can’t? What’s stopping you from completing that? I wish I could hang out with my friends more. But I’m busy all the time and feel like I never have time to.
What is the first impression you try to give to people? I try to show that I’m here. I’m often pretty loud and some people consider me obnoxious but I just want to say that I am here and I am ready to work. I’m not coming here to goof around I want to take stuff seriously while also having fun with it.
What is something you want people to know about you? I am here and you can count on me.

Emily is currently a junior at Niles North. This is her third year writing for NSN.