Tips for self-care over Spring Break
Spring Break is coming up on March 24, which is a great time to finally relax and take a break from all the homework, exams and workload from school. Since it’s approaching, it is important to know how to have an impactful break and know to take care of your own well-being.
The biggest thing we all want to do when we go off into the break is to sleep in, play video games or go on our phones with no excess stress around us like school or studying for a test. Of course, we want to do that, but there are many other simple ways to keep yourself active and healthy over this Spring Break such as…
Exercising for at least 30 minutes
Exercise helps reduce anxiety, depression and negative thoughts which can get you through the day more efficiently. 30 minutes is all that’s needed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and some cancers while also strengthening the bones and muscles.
Making new goals and priorities
Making new goals and priorities can help get you more motivated to make the changes you want whether it’s working out more, getting better at a sport or even taking better care of yourself. You can even make a goal for yourself at the end of the school year! Think about a goal you want to achieve when the school year comes to an end, like raising your GPA, managing your time correctly or even making the best and most fun memories at school.
Eating all 3 healthy meals
Skipping a meal can lead to low blood sugar which can make you feel tired and weak. So eat all your meals so you can get your nutrients throughout your day with a better attitude! Staying hydrated is great as well, as it increases concentration and focus throughout the day.
Get just the right amount of sleep
You should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep daily to be fully rested and ready to go out about the day. Having a good night’s sleep can improve your mood, performance and health.
Hang out with the friends and family that make you happy
You should never spend too much time by yourself or isolate yourself this Spring Break, but instead, hang out with the people that make you joyful! Hanging out with those people can enhance your happiness and instantly make your mood just a bit better. Spending time with those people can also offer a sensation of belongingness and purpose in life.
“It’s important to prioritize your self-care because generally, your physical and mental health is super important,” junior Eya Dalangin said. “Especially with testing season coming along there’s only more stress to come.
It’s all easier said than done, especially if your mind has only been focused on school these past weeks, but taking advantage of this Spring Break to better yourself using the tips provided can create better mental habits and can remodel you into a better person with an improved mindset for when it’s time to get back to school.

Rilley is a freshman at Niles North who loves music and likes journaling and writing.