Giselle Gube, Senior
What is your name and grade? My name is Giselle Gube and I’m a senior.
Where were you born? Somewhere in Illinois, not sure of the specific area.
Which language(s) do you speak other than English? I speak English fluently, I understand and can speak Tagalog, and I’m in the process of learning German.
What is your hobby? Listening to music, drawing, and now crocheting.
Do you have a favorite food? My mom’s adobo. Specifically, hers because it tastes really good.
Do you have a favorite subject, if so what is it and why? Art is my favorite subject just because I like being creative and all.
What clubs, extracurriculars, or sports are you involved in? I am a coordinator for Filipino clubs’ Kapit Bayan, I’m a member of NHS (National Honor Society), a member of the German Honor Society, and I used to be a member of Y&D but I’m not really active anymore.
What have you achieved here at North? Third place for Kapit Bayan my junior year, purple honor roll every year since I’ve been here, and I get decent grades.
What is the best memory you have from this year so far? When hanging out with my friends, my friends and I created a cuddle puddle at the park which was super memorable and fun since I had a good time.

Rilley is a freshman at Niles North who loves music and likes journaling and writing.