Jawad Ghani, Senior
Jawad Ghani, Senior
What is your name and grade? My name is Jawad Ghani and I’m a senior.
Where were you born? I was born in Niles, IL, on Oct. 19, 2004.
Who got you into table tennis and how did this impact your life? My friend got me into table tennis and invited me over one day. I needed a club for my college apps, so I said, ‘I might as well join’. I enjoyed it a lot so I kept going, and now I can’t imagine my life without table tennis.
What was the hardest obstacle you’ve had to overcome playing table tennis? It was probably last year when I was still learning the basics, and I had a really hard time adjusting to tournament rules. Also, when we went to Niles West, it was pretty difficult, because they have some really good players over there.
What has been the hardest struggle playing table tennis? … probably keeping up with it every Friday, because Friday I usually have plans with family and friends so it does disturb it a little, but it’s worth it.
Would you recommend other people to join the table tennis club? Definitely. First of all, it’s a club where you can play competitively and casually with friends. If someone isn’t into sports yet, I think table tennis would be a great start.
What is your favorite part of being a point tutor? I love seeing the moment when you help students understand the material and something clicks for them which makes me feel better because I know I helped them succeed. When they say “Oh!” I always feel a bit lighter because at least I helped them understand part of their academic material.
What has been your favorite memory so far at The Point? It was when I received candy from Ms. K. It made me feel like I’m part of a community, and I am.
How do you think being a point tutor has changed you as a person? It’s definitely helped me talk to other people more because I used to have an issue with explaining things, especially last year. However, I’ve been getting better at talking to other people and trying to get them to understand their material. Communication is a good skill in general.
If you could give your freshman self advice, what would you tell him? I would tell myself to join a sport and stop playing so many computer games– study more, and focus on my academics.

Jana Guerra is a senior at Niles North. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano and violin, driving in the city, and listening to horror podcasts.