Scott Dahlberg, History Teacher
Scott Dahlberg, Retiring History Teacher
What is your name and department? Scott Dahlberg Director of Social Studies, History Teacher
Did you teach at any other school or is North your first? I’ve taught at Niles West, I’ve worked at least half time at Niles North
How would you describe most of your classes? Did students find your subject difficult? I only teach one these days, I’ve taught 2 and up to 5 before. I’ve been a teacher for 16 years and I’ve been an administrator for 17 years. I teach AP World lately, so yes it’s difficult.
What were some fun things you do in your classes? We just did Imperialism Speed Dating and I also cut a book into pieces and made them put it back together. We try to do something interesting every week, something different.
Do you have a favorite song? What is it? Pump it up by Elvis Costello
Do you have any pets? Yes, we have three cats and they’re getting very old, it’s a mess
What is a quote you’re inspired by? “Let us use history to inspire us to push a country forward, to help us believe that all things are possible and to demand a country live up to its stated ideals.” Lonnie G. Bunch III.
What is a valuable thing you’d tell a new teacher? Make sure your students know the ‘why’ for what you teach. Why is this what you’re teaching? Go ahead and let your passion and your opinion about why it’s important to learn what you’re teaching. Let your students see that.
What’s your best memory of teaching at north so far? Definitely a soccer memory, beating Evanston on our home field back in the 1990s. I coached for 15 years at north, I was the head girls soccer coach from 1995-2005. And I coached boys soccer for 15 years and girls soccer for 15 years.

Julia is currently a freshmen attending Niles North High School. She enjoys listening to music, watching/playing sports, and hanging out with her friends....