Andre Hrisca, Freshman
What is your name? My name is Andre Hrisca.
What year of school are you in? I am a Freshman. It has been a big change for me but I have enjoyed adapting and getting accustomed to Niles North.
Which language do you speak other than English? I am trilingual. In addition to English, I speak Romanian and Spanish. Growing up in a multicultural household with my father being Romanian and my mother being Guatemalan I was exposed to both foreign languages from a young age. I think it is important to be fluent in these respective languages because it allows me to learn more and be more in touch with my cultures.
What is your hobby? I participate in wrestling and boxing. I wrestled for Niles North’s program and had a great time, learned a lot, and met great people. I do boxing on my own time.
Do you have a favorite artist? I enjoy Lil Peep.
Any favorite food? Pepián de Pollo, it is a delicious Guatemalan dish that I would urge anyone to try. It is my favorite comfort food.
What would you like to see more of at Niles North? The washrooms open more often. The worst feeling is needing to use the washroom and finding out it’s locked.
What would you like to see less of at Niles North? People vaping in bathrooms.
What do you do to make NN a safe place to learn? I try to be positive and helpful to my peers.
How do you bring positivity to Niles North? I make sure I am always there for my friends and peers when they are going through tough times and I hold my own weight in class assignments and projects.

Sam Dababneh is a Junior at Niles North High school. This is third second year on North Star News. Read additional writing on