Illinois implements ban on assault weapon selling and manufacturing
On Jan. 10, J.B. Pritzker signed the prohibition into law that outlawed the selling and manufacturing of ‘assault weapons’ and any magazine that can hold over ten rounds as well as the mandatory registration of assault weapons by the end of 2023.
Since then, there has been lots of backlash from local sheriffs, local law enforcement, and especially the public. Hundreds of legal claims from across 87 Illinois counties have mounted against the new law, most claiming that it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Such claims have said that the law violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.
The most highlighted part of the Constitution that is at the peak of the conversation is the following part of the Second Amendment: “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” The reason that this is the most important sentence on the topic is the “shall not be infringed” portion. It is currently the opinion of the public that the mandatory registration of assault weapons is infringing on our right to bear arms. Whether it is infringing on the constitution or not is in debate and there is no clear answer to if it truly is or not.
“I don’t think that it’s infringing on our rights,” Director of Social Studies Scott Dahlberg said. “Restricting guns isn’t breaking the constitution.”
The law was enacted as a response to the gun violence across Illinois, mainly Chicago, and the Highland Park shooting last year. The belief is that if assault weapons can’t be distributed then gun violence will drop. However, gun violence will most likely not stop because what the state considers to be assault weapons can no longer legally be sold and manufactured. People will still have their assault weapons and other smaller firearms such as pistols which don’t meet the qualifications of an assault weapon, which still have the same potential for destruction with the right person behind the trigger.
There is also the mandatory registration of assault weapons. By the end of the year every assault weapon needs to be registered with the state. Registering a weapon is giving the model and serial number for the weapon so the state knows which exact one it is and the person’s name and address as well as fingerprints so the person who owns it can be tracked down if needed.
Illinois is cracking down on gun violence and whether it will work or not is up for debate. However, it is clear that the majority of the population does not take kindly to this.

Henry Rothenbach is a junior at Niles North who has been with North Star News since freshman year. He enjoys reading and writing in his free time.