Boys swim and dive team start off their season strong

Photo credited to @nnvikingsoccer on twitter)
The team supporting their freshman swimmers at last year’s conference meet.
The Boys Swim and Dive season started on Nov 21 and their first meet will take place at Niles West on Dec 29 at 5:00 p.m.
The team has been working hard with early morning practices, a tough training regiment, and a packed meet schedule in order to make conference and work their way up to IHSA State.
“I’m most excited about spending time with my teammates and enjoying everyday practice,” team captain senior Nicholas Pham said. “I think, like every year, we always look forward to that last sectional home meet. Sectionals is the only meet where swimmers can make the State Qualifying Times, but besides swimming, just hanging out and spending time out of school and the pool together in order to bring more community back into the Niles North Boys Swim Team program.”
Swim fans can follow their instagram @nnbswim for more information and updates about the meet. Click here to follow their meet schedule.
The Boys’ Swim and Dive season started on Nov 21, succeeding the recently ended Girls Swim/Dive season. Their first meet takes place at Niles West on Dec 29 at 5:00 p.m. The team has been working hard with early morning practices, a tough training regiment, and a packed meet schedule in order to make conference and work their way up to IHSA State.
“I’m most excited about spending time with my teammates and enjoying everyday practice,” says team captain Nicholas Pham. “I think, like every year, we always look forward to that last sectional home meet. Sectionals is the only meet where swimmers can make the State Qualifying Times, but besides swimming, just hanging out and spending time out of school and the pool together in order to bring more community back into the Niles North Boys Swim Team program.”
Make sure to follow their instagram @nnbswim for more information and updates about the meet. Click here to follow their meet schedule. Go out and support the team if you can!