Should Senior Ditch Day be a thing?

Niles North Senior Ditch Day 2022 took place last Tuesday, October 11. The tradition of Senior Ditch Day has been around for a very long time. Senior year is the most exciting year in high school. Working hard since starting high school, the entire senior class deserves an unexcused day off to celebrate. According to who you’re asking, it can be a bit of a controversial topic.
Some might say this academically hurts students. “I mean if you’re a good student then, by all means, have the day off, but if you’re ditching class all day every day, you don’t deserve it,” a Niles North teacher said.
As a junior, I agree with this statement. If you’re not doing your job as a student, going to class, getting your homework done, adhering to Niles North rules and regulations, the question arises of do you deserve the day to celebrate the festivities of senior year.
However, the responsibility to catch up with missed work from the day off falls on the student, and it is their job to catch up. As long as they do their part of figuring out what they missed, having one day off shouldn’t set them back.
Yes, Senior Ditch Day can be an unexcused absence, for those that were not called out in advance. Is this breaking a Niles North rule? Technically yes, but I don’t think it’s wrong in this scenario. Especially when both students and teachers/staff know and understand it to be a traditional activity.
To this day, Senior Ditch Day remains controversial and most likely will continue to be. Whether you support it or not, for now, Senior Ditch Day is here to stay!