Upcoming Variety Show slated for a huge success
The upcoming Variety Show hosted by Niles North’s Dance Marathon will be happening on Friday, September 30 in the Auditorium.
The V-Show is an annual student-run fundraiser held by Dance Marathon that welcomes students and staff to show off their show-stopping talents. There is a wide range of popular acts, from singing, to playing instruments, and even comedy.
“We’re doing three different songs but mashed up… One of my favorite songs in it is a Filipino song which you all should be very excited about,” a member of Kapit Leanta, a band from Filipino Club said. They are just one of many people looking to impress the judges and win the opportunity to perform at a winter assembly.
Lots of planning go into this event and it promises to be an entertaining evening.
“We have a variety of (acts), from singing to dancing to stand-up comedy… it’s really exciting, (and you should) bring friends and come (watch),” Dance Marathon executive junior Wendy Elue said. She encourages people to watch the performances and cheer everyone on.

Lily is a sophomore at Niles North. She is in debate, Mock law trial, and has been in journalism since the beginning of freshman year.