Homecoming 2022 sweeps Niles North with viral disco fever
The best week of the school year is here: Homecoming week! To help everyone get into the festive mood, here’s what Niles North has going on.
For Monday, we had Pajama Day. It was a great way to kick off the week by dressing comfy for school. There is no dress code! There were people dressed from plaid pajama pants to onesies! People wore what made them comfortable.
Tuesday was Retro Tuesday! The theme was disco, which is also the theme for Homecoming! We got a sneak peek of what to expect at the Homecoming dance: bright colors, bell bottom pants, blazers, and more!
Hat Day was Wednesday. People wore hats that ranged from baseball caps to fedoras. They also wore hats with their favorite logo or sports team! To end the night, the girls Powder Puff football game was played at 6:30 pm.
Today is Jersey Day. Wear a jersey of a team you support.
Tomorrow, Friday is class competition day. Each grade is assigned a color. The grade with the most people who participate wins!
The school day will end with a Pep Assembly in the gym. Due to Covid, Niles North hasn’t hosted an assembly in a few years. Some people have mixed reactions to this event.
“I’m super excited because it’s going to be my first pep assembly since I started high school,” junior Aziz Mir said. “I’m a little nervous though because I don’t know what to expect because no one is really telling me what’s going to happen at the assembly. Like, is it just going to be the teachers talking or are there going to be activities? Regardless, I’m excited about the shortened schedule.”
Another student adds, “I’m not really excited because I feel like we spent the entire week preparing and celebrating and it’s getting a little too much for me,” junior Aaron Garcia said. “I’m struggling in some of my classes right now so I’m a little annoyed that classes are going to be cut short. But, I’m going to try to focus on the positive because I’m excited about homecoming.”
Even teachers have reactions. “I’m excited because I’m new to this school and haven’t been here for one yet so I don’t really know what to expect,” ECSB teacher Sara Torres said.
At night time, fans can come out and support the Boys Varsity football team for the Homecoming game against Highland Park, starting at 7:00 p.m.
Saving the best for last, Saturday is the homecoming dance. Starting at 6:00 p.m and ending at 9:00 p.m. Keep in mind, students must arrive before 7:00 p.m. or they will not be allowed entry. Tickets are being sold online through Infinite Campus school store for $15. You can also buy tickets in person for $15 in cash in the cafeteria during your lunch periods. For those of you who procrastinated there will be limited tickets at the door on Homecoming Day, September 24 for $25 with payment only in cash.
If you have any questions about this week, please refer to the link below.