Niles North celebrates Black History Month

Photo credit to the Black Student Union and Students Organized Against Racism
Throughout February, Niles North celebrates Black History Month with events, videos, and resources given to students and staff. North collaborated with the Black Student Union, sponsored by counselor Kia Pickett, and Students Organized Against Racism, sponsored by educator Doug Williams to bring us these resources and events.
Many of the events happening through the month involve Niles North including on February 8 SOAR will be holding a Zoom meeting at 2 PM on black professionals in computer science, February 24 there will be the D219 Black Teen Summit on Zoom from 12-3 PM, and many more events throughout the month.
Not only are the school events, but there are many resources for students and faculty to see and watch. These include Ted Talk Tuesdays where each week there is a new Ted Talk recommended, this week’s was Calvin Terrell: Socio-Spiritual Evolution. There are also different videos ranging from the Daily Social Distancing Show with Trevor Noah to “Ta-Nehisi Coates Makes the Case for Slavery Reparations” .
There will also be movie nights, this week’s movie night was Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse which was held on Tuesday. The next movie night will be on February 12 at 2:30 PM and be held by NN’s Step Club for the movie Drumline.
For more information and resources, click here to the official calendar of events.

Nicole Nantz is a writer and editor of the North Star News journalism team. The reason why Nicole started doing the class is so she can experiment with...