Most of the Smash World Tour 2020 canceled due to Coronavirus

What was supposed to be one of the most hyped tournaments for Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros Ultimate, along with a $250,000 prize pool, turned into one of the saddest moments of gaming history. The good news is that CEO Dreamland 2020 will still continue, one of the big tournaments part of the Smash World Tour 2020.

The Smash World Tour is basically a world circuit, letting pro gamers travel across the world to compete in the two Smash games against other pro players from other countries in the world. The tournament gives them a placement by making a point system from going to different types of tournaments. The types of tournaments are Platinum, Gold, Silver 128, Silver 96, Silver 64 and Silver 32. Each type of tournament gives gamers different amounts of points based on what type of tournament they went to and the placement they recieve. 

Most of the Smash World Tour was canceled due to the recent Coronavirus uprising. The people who facilitate the Smash World Tour felt that it was necessary to put the people’s lives over a video game that they can worry about later. 

It was a very good decision by their part because if they were to keep going with the tour, this can cause serious issues for everyone else, in which they want the virus to completely end, not make the virus spread faster and make its impact even worse. “What would’ve been Nintendo’s fault the time around for competitive Smash, it actually was the Coronavirus.” said ZeRo, a pro Smasher and YouTuber.

Finally, the organizers of the World Tour said that if the Coronavirus stops soon, they will try to fix the schedule for every tournament apart of the Smash World Tour. Hopefully, when the Coronavirus is completely gone, Smashers can go back to playing in tournaments, and especially for the Smash World Tour 2020! You can look for more information about the Smash World Tour by visiting