Chicagoland teachers’ strike ends, classes resume

Photo credit to Alan Maas/the Nation
Photo credit to Alan Maas/the Nation
After an eleven day strike, Chicagoland students, faculty, and staff returned to the classroom on November 1. The strike was organized because Chicago Public School teachers wanted teacher’s aid, full-time nurses and librarians, and control over the number of students in a class according to the goals of the Chicago Teachers Union’s official website.
The reason why the CPS teachers went on strike was because after they made a deal where the city offered 16% raise for the teachers, but they didn’t account for any of the other issues that the CTU wanted addressed.
The students and teachers will have to make up the days that they missed on November 27, January 2 and 3, June 17 and 18. As a response to these changes, and parent and teacher reactions, CPS Chief Education Officer, LaTanya McDad, said in a statement, “We understand that modifications to the school calendar can create real challenges for our families,” she said. “And we have worked to add makeup days in a manner that prioritizes student learning and minimizes disruption to the fullest extent possible.”
For the future of the Chicago school teachers is to make sure that the issues are remembered and get solved.
Comments from Chicago school teacher Stefanie Premarathna said, “The future of the union is strong since they were able to stand together and ensure that they worked swiftly to resolve the strike without losing sight of the whole focus: students..Currently these positions are appointed by the mayor, and from past experiences that has not always benefited the most sensitive communities in Chicago. The true test will come over the next 5 years in ensuring that they do not lose steam and continue working towards improving the schools for our students.”
Premarathna also commented on how the strike wasn’t just about pay, but also about the students. Even though the strike is over, the topics and reasons for the strike are still rampant. Schools in Chicago are now back in session, as teacher’s hope that negotiations are held.

Nicole Nantz is a writer and editor of the North Star News journalism team. The reason why Nicole started doing the class is so she can experiment with...