Viking of the week: Superstar Barrington Wade and the Fashion Club


Katelin Aanerud

This week I have the pleasure to announce the Viking Of The Week. VOTW is a spotlight on a certain student and/or group that shines through the crowd. This week we are honouring football star, Barrington Wade, and all of the fashion students that went to the Latino Fashion Show.

Wade, known for his skills out on the field, brought the Maine West Warriors to their knees at the Oct. 2 Homecoming football game at Chuck Pos stadium. He sticks out as one of the best Viking players and certainly deserves this shoutout.

“Even in middle school I knew the name Barrington Wade, but I never even met him.” Said Justin Im, senior.

The Niles North Fashion Club had the chance to visit this year’s Latino Fashion show as part of their fashion week. Jasmine Nguyen, Tyanna Kennedy, Nohara Anaiel, Dorothea Watkins, Elisabeth Varvaroi, Uche Nwansi, Allyshia Duberstein, and Jessie Nguyen all had a blast as they joined in on a workshop held by AWSUM (Amazing Wonderful Super Unique Me) and got to listen to many motivational speakers. This caused them to even get another article written about them on the Chicago Tribune’s website.

Make sure to check back next week for the new Viking Of The Week!