Set in a world of LEGOs, The LEGO Movie (rated PG) is a full-length LEGO adventure starring the LEGO mini figure Emmett (played by Chris Pratt). Emmett is a regular guy. He’s a rule following, government obeying, and average LEGO. But, Emmett is soon mistaken for the most extraordinary person, who is supposed to save the LEGO world from the evil clutches of President Evil (played by Will Ferrell).
Awesome is the word used to describe The LEGO Movie not only because the featured song in film is “Everything is Awesome,” but because it is truly a good movie. Personally, I do agree with the high praise that The LEGO Movie is getting because it was, in fact, awesome.
In the beginning of the movie we are introduced to Emmett. We see Emmett’s personality evolve into something greater than average. The way that Warner Bros portrayed Emmett was effective and gave the viewers something to connect to throughout his struggle with being “a regular guy.”
In addition to Emmett The LEGO Movie features a variety of other LEGO characters voiced by actors such as Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, and Will Arnet. I think what makes the movie is the variety of different characters with many personalities that add humor and meaning to the otherwise childish movie.
Though the humor in the film was sometimes childish, it was still funny and had me laughing almost the whole time. In fact, the humor can be appreciated by all ages. There is something in the movie for everyone.
Although the movie was great most of the time, it did start dragging about a third of the way through. Even though the middle was filled with funny jokes, the plot seemed to move forward very slowly. This made me almost want to fast forward to the action packed ending.
Overall, I give The LEGO Movie 3.5 North Stars because it truly was a good film for all ages.
LEGO (c) Warner Bros